
At first glance, co-founder Jaco’s snappy dress suits and sceptical, raised eyebrow will paint him as one of the prototypically capitalist legal sharks. But, behind Jaco’s dry sense of humour and his aversion to long stories, hides his primary motivating characteristic - his desire to help people. You’ll find this is evident the first time his 1000 watt smile lights the boardroom.

His legal focus centres on commercial and conveyancing matters, and has his B.Com, LLB, postgraduate Diploma in Tax and his MBA (Cum Laude) studies at Stellenbosch University all tucked comfortably into his belt. He is admitted as an attorney of the High Court of South Africa, a qualified Notary and Conveyancer.

When not applying his extensive legal experience and vast pool of business insights for the benefit of his clients, Jaco lives to share them with others. He has guest-lectured at Prestige College and the University of the Western Cape and is a mentor for the small business development program at the University of Stellenbosch Business School.

His personal maxim is: “Preparation is nine tenths’ of the game”, which is why you’ll rarely (if ever) find his at a loss for words (except around his wife, Michelle).